Centreli for Basecamp
Fully integrated paid time off tracking, single sign on, calendar, and user management for your G Suite team
How does Centreli for Basecamp work?
If you use Basecamp 2 or Basecamp 3 to track your projects you can start tracking paid time off and employee records for all of your Basecamp users. Centreli for Basecamp extends your Basecamp platform with powerful and easy to use core human resource features. Centreli for Basecamp also creates an instant company directory for your team to access.As you sync your Basecamp users all of their contact information is available in the Centreli employee directory putting important employee information right at your fingertips.You can try Centreli for Basecamp absolutely free today. Simply start your trial account and connect your Basecamp account to Centreli in seconds!
What is Basecamp?
Basecamp is a simple and easy to use project management tool.
How much does Centreli for Basecamp cost?
Nothing! There is no additional cost for using Centreli with your Basecamp account. It is included with all plans.
Does Centreli integrate with other Basecamp products?
Yes! See the full list of integrations at our extras page for more popular products that we integrate with.