Centreli for G Suite

Fully integrated paid time off tracking, single sign on, calendar, and user management for your G Suite team

How does Centreli for G Suite work?

Centreli for G Suite allows your G Suite users to login to Centreli with one click. They won’t have to remember a password. You can import your G Suite users in seconds to get started. Your employees can immediately login and start using Centreli.

Your managers and employees can connect their G Suite calendars to Centreli so that paid time off, anniversaries, and other important company days show right in the calendar they use everyday!

How do I install Centreli for G Suite?

Click the ‘Install to G Suite’ button above to be redirected to our listing on the G Suite Marketplace and click the ‘Install’ button or visit our G Suite Marketplace listing directly.

How much does Centreli for G Suite cost?

Nothing! There is no additional cost for using Centreli with your G Suite account. It is included with your plan.

Does Centreli integrate with other products?

Yes! See the full list of integrations at our extras page for more popular products that we integrate with.


Get started with a free trial account. No credit card required.